Autism Acceptance Month
Along with April 2nd being World Autism Day, April is Autism Acceptance Month.
In 1970 the Autism Society of America campaigned to promote autism awareness with the mission of assuring that all autistic people are able to have access to the highest quality of life possible.
In 1972, National Autistic Children’s Week was celebrated for the first time and it later evolved into Autistic Acceptance Month.
In 2021, the Autism Society of America campaigned to urge the media to consider the change from Autistic Awareness Month to Autistic Acceptance Month so that people would not just be aware of, but accept and include autistic people so that they have increased and continued access to full, quality life experiences.
COVID has had a significant impact on the autistic community, as persons with autism are 3.5 x more likely to die from COVID. This is one of the many reasons why we encourage you to join the #CovidPlanNow campaign led by our friends at Detroit Disability Power Now by sending your letter to state officials, urging them to release a statewide COVID-19 preparedness plan to protect people with disabilities.
Here are some resources and information related to autism and autism acceptance:
Learn Neurodiversity Terminology - Therapist Neurodiversity Collective
Click here for a list of some autism organizations to look into and some to avoid, and why you should avoid them
Check out The Color of Autism Foundation!